Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So today was the first day of February. Today was also the first day of the year that it snowed in Texas. Which means that everyone freaks out because us Texans' do not know how to drive in this stuff. Which means that school was CANCELED. Of course, TCU waits til the very last minute (4:49 a.m. to be exact) to announce that school will be closed due to inclement weather conditions. The great thing about being a big college kid is that we don't have to make up the snow days. Yayyyy!

I basically enjoyed the snow from the comfort of my warm room, because the cold bitter wind was waaay too much for me too handle. I caught up on all my tv shows and did a little reading. It was a very nice, relaxing day. The snow is nice because school got canceled, but I would rather it be 65 degrees any day. I am definitely a beach kinda girl. I only like sbow when I am in Colorado and have skis on my feet. Snow in Texas just can't compare.

Earlier today we got a text saying that school will be closed tomorrow also. I could hear all the girls in my dorm screaming as we all got the text at the same time. It was pretty hilarious. So that means I get to sleep in tomorrow and relax all over again. Hooraay! 

Snow makes everything prettier:

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