Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 15

The Person You Miss the Most
Dear person I miss the most,
I never even knew it was possible to miss someone so much until we went off to college. I knew it was going to be hard, but I had no idea how hard it really was going to be. It was especially difficult to go from seeing you every day to maybe seeing you once a month. Being away from you is hard and I am not a fan of it. All I want to do when I have a bad day is to sit in your lap with your arms around me while you listen to me complain about anything and everything. You are the only person that listens to me when I complain. I miss just like hanging out with you and doing everything together. Every time I go somewhere, I wish that you were with me. I hate not experiencing new things with you. I always want you to be there with me. I feel like a piece of me is missing when we are apart. And when I am with you I feel complete, like everything is right in the world. I am happier when we are together. I miss being happy with you all the time.

Please come back to me soon because I miss my besfriend!

I miss you boyfriend.

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