Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Life can be crazy sometimes. It's like it is just tempting you to see what it can throw at you next. Which road are you going to go down and how far will you go before you fall of the edge. You are being pushed and pulled in every single direction. Then you are going along just fine, when all of a sudden there are a million speed bumps in your way. And then its like, well how much more of this can I really take. How much can I handle being thrown at me, while I'm trying to do everything that needs to be done, while also trying to stay on the right road.
You can tell yourself that you can do it. You can handle everything that is thrown at you with a huge smile on your face. But you can only be so positive and so strong for so long before you start to break.
and when that happens, there's no turning back.
You can think all of the positive thoughts that you want too. You can smile and tell yourself that today will be a good day, because you will make it a good day. You can wear your favorite shirt. You can listen to your favorite song on repeat. You can eat lots of chocolate.
But none of that matters after you're already broken. because things that are broken require healing.
and healing takes time, which can be frustrating, which can make you upset, which puts you in a bad mood.
and at that point, it really does not matter how many times you smile at yourself through the tears in the mirror. It doesn't matter how many people you surround yourself with just so you do not have to be alone with your thoughts.
Because at that point, you are broken. Broken things require repairs. and the repair is something that you do not know how to do. After you have already tried so hard, prayed so much, been so optimistic; once you're broken, you will be broken for awhile.
Being broken doesn't mean that you have given up. It simply means that you have realized your life is beyond your own repair. That means that you need to call in the big dog.
Just like you call an electrician when the light wont turn on, or the plumber when your toilet wont flush; you call God when your life is a wreck.
The first step to fixing a problem is admitting that you have one. The second step is getting rid of your pride and asking for help. When you are broken, ask for help to be fixed, so that the the big man upstairs can come in and do the repair.
Let go, & let God.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Not Worth the Worry.

I remember having long talks with my dad when I was little. He would always come in my room every night and say me a prayer and sing me a song before bed. I remember talking about God with him. I had alot of questions, and he always had answers. 

I can remember being like 9 years old and not being able to sleep because I was worrying about too many things. Like what does a 9 year old have to worry about? I would worry so much that I could not sleep and I would make myself sick. My dad would come in and pray with me. Every night, he would pray for me to not worry, to be strong, and to not cry. He would tell me how he believed in me and that God would help take my worries away and make me strong. All I had to do was ask. He said that I just needed to give all my worries to God and trust that he would take care of everything.

It took awhile, but eventually I did not have to sleep with my light on anymore. I prayed to God and asked him to help me teach myself to not worry. When I fully started trusting in him, is when I felt the most relief and was able to fall asleep at night without worrying about things that could happen to me. 

Now I'm 19 years old. Ten years later, and I am having this problem all over again. I wish that I could call my daddy into my room so that he could talk and pray with me and help me know that everything is going to be okay. My biggest problem is that I have a hard time fully trusting in God's plan for me. I am such a control freak that I want to be the one in control. But I know that to get rid of my anxiety, I need to cast it all upon God and trust that he will take care of it. I also have a hard time asking God for help. I have a hard time asking people for help in general, but I know that I should feel comfortable asking God for help. I just feel like sometimes that my problems are not that big compared to other people. I don't want to take away any time from people with bigger problems and say hey God, look over here I need help with this little problem called anxiety. While someone else needs help with a big problem like cancer.

I know that is not how prayer works. I know that God hears everyone, and its not like we have to form a single file line and ask God for help one by one. I just feel like the problem is so small that I can handle it on my own, and he can help out all the people with major problems. I have such a big issue with telling people my problems, that I cant even tell God. Which is a major problem because I know that I should go to him for help. I guess it is hard for me to admit that I need help because I am so good pretending that I am fine all the time. But there is a point where everyone needs help in life. And who is a better person to turn to for help than God?

Only God has the power to take all of your worries away. I am working on being more open and honest and letting Him help me instead of trying to be in control all the time. Admitting you have problems does not mean that you are weak. It means that you have risen above yourself and have decided to seek external help because you have finally realized that the healing cannot come from you. It must come from God. All you have to do is let go, and let God.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday Words of Wisdom

Your past does not define you. God is greater than your past.

If you have to be careful when you bend over, it's probably not appropriate.

The way you get freedom, is by forgiveness.

If you still think about it, dwell on it, or worry about it; you're not over it. Talk it out, it always helps.

Your self-worth cannot be defined by anyone else. That's allllll you :)

If it's not going to matter in 5 years, it's not worth the argument.

Make sure all the size stickers are taken off your clothes before wearing them in public.

Words are just words. But remember that words hurt.

When someone smiles at you, you better smile back. It takes more muscles to not return the smile, so that means you have to really concentrate on not doing it. And that's just rude.

You will miss great opportunities in life if you fail to do things because you are too scared.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! Got any good words of wisdom?

Friday, September 30, 2011


It was bound to happen sometime. Ive been holding it all in so long. And today it all came out. Cue the sad music:

The stress of school, studying, HIS, APO, stomach issues, meetings, doctors appointments, dealing with roommates, money, anxiety, family problems, and everything else all came out in the form of tears. I had just gotten back from the doctor and was cleaning my room and thinking about everything I had to do. Then my chest got all tight and I knew I was about to cry. But I held my breath because I hate to cry. That didn't do anything because i cried anyways. This continued the whole time I was cleaning. and it still wont stop.

The thing is, I don't understand why I have so much to do. Or why everything is so stressful. Or why all I do is study and go to meetings and class and yet I still don't get everything done that i need to in a day. Its not like I'm just chilling on the couch for 3 hours watching tv. No its like I am constantly doing stuff all day long and before I know it it is midnight and I still have so much to do. Like what the heck. It is really frustrating. And I thought that this semester was going to be fairly okay. I mean I'm only in 2 organizations and taking 15 hours. Plus dealing with this stuff going on in my tummy is really difficult and having people always ask me if I've eaten today doesn't help at all. The doctors not knowing whats wrong and then spouting out all these possibilities like gallbladder disease, kidney stones, and stomach ulcers does not make me feel any better. So thanks for that, dumb doctor that barely spoke English. The stomach issue was a medium sized stressor and you just made it bigger.

I can count on one hand the people that truly know what's going on in my life. Two of them being my parents. I don't like to call my parents crying or tell them when I am having a bad day because I don't want them to worry. I don't like telling my friends that know because I don't want to burden them with my ridiculous problems. They have enough going on in their life and they don't need to hear me complaining about my issues all the time. Because I feel like that's all I do. I'm never completely okay. There is always something wrong with me and that is probably the one thing that pisses me off the most. I just want to be normal. So the only time I allow myself to get upset is when i am by myself. When I am around people I smile and pretend like everything is fine. And I make myself be happy. Because i dont want people to know. I don't want them to think i am a freak. I only open up to the people i am closest too and feel the most comfortable around. Even sometimes that is hard for me.

I have never been this busy, physically exhausted, or emotionally drained in my life. I'm at that point where I don't know what to do anymore. So I write it all out in hopes that it makes me feel better. But now that i have done that, I don't know where to go from here. These past few weeks, life has thrown everything it possibly could at me. I took it and did it all and dealt with everything fine. But now its all become too much. Too much for me to handle. Maybe i am in over my head. Maybe I bit off more than I could chew. Whatever it is, I don't know what my next step is going to be. Or what is going to be thrown at me next. I can only imagine what would happen if I just continue on with my crazy life. It will be like today's breakdown times 823048024. Not knowing how to handle all of this probably stresses me out even more. So now what do I do? Well i'll probably just wipe my eyes, cover up my blotchy face, put on a smile, and go do something productive. Because that is all I know how to do.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I Like To Do Crazy Things.

So this weekend me and my sister dyed a strip of our hair purple. Because we are just cool like that. Zachary is not a fan. My mom just rolled her eyes. My Dad just grinned and said if me dying my hair purple was the craziest thing I do, he could live with that. That's why I love my daddy. Anyways, I like being unpredictable. Plus purple is for TCU. Go Frogs. Pretty sure no one at TCU has random color hair. And thats why I like it.
Dare to be different.
Embrace yourself.
Do what you want.
Just a few empowering terms.
It's kinda already faded. Which is super sad. Maybe next time I'll do the tips thing :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday Words of Wisdom

Be nice to everyone that you make eye contact with. Smile, say hi. You never know what people are struggling with on the inside. You could very well brighten their day.

If it matters to you, don't just let it go without a fight. You'll regret it later.

Quit being stubborn. Just do it.

You don't necessarily have control over everything that happens to you on a daily basis, but you do have control over how you react to the situations you are put in.

The second you start to think you are better than everyone else, is when you become just like everyone else.

In college you can have 2 of the 3: good grades, a social life, or an adequate amount of sleep.

Crying is not a sign of weakness. It means you have been too strong for too long.

Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but it's the only way to live life completely.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Be a Friend.

The thing about me is, I see people from the outside in. Everyone is going through something. They make keep it all inside, and never let their emotions show, but even the happiest person in the world is dealing with something. I beleive that everyone has their struggles that they are going through, and they only choose what they want you to see. So I try not to judge people. Thats why I smile at everyone. That may be the only smile they see all day. We are all humans, and we need to take care of each other. I want everyone to have a friend, so I am nice to everyone. My roommates joke about how I am like a mother duck, and I just take all these people under my wings. Maybe Im like that because I dont want people to go through what I did last year. Or maybe I just want to reach out to people and be their friend. Whatever the motive, I want to be the reason that turns people's bad day into a good one.
When I meet someone for the first time, I take everything about them in. What they are wearing, how they act, the tone that they talk in, their body motions, posture, everything. Then I analyze it all and after talking with someone for a few minutes, I can normally tell you down to a degree, what that person is like. I can probably tell you things about their personality, events that have happened in their past, and how they were raised. I have this sixth sense about people, and I think that is why I really want to work with people. I get people. I understand people.
In high school I was that girl that everyone came to for advice. Boys would come talk to me about their girl problems, and anything else that they knew they couldnt tell their guy friends. Girls would come and talk to me about anything and everything. I knew secrets about everyone. I liked people coming to me and telling me their problems. I liked picking their brain and helping them understand the situation they were in better. If they asked my opinion, I would give it to them. If they wanted advice, I would tell them what they should do. Otherwise, I just listened. I liked helping people with their problems. I felt so honored that these people would trust me with their deepest problems, and then for me to be able to help them out of sticky situations, was so rewarding.

Senior year, one of my best friends went through something very traumatic. When they called and asked if they could come to my house and talk, I knew it was serious. The fact that they came to me first and trusted me with this information, meant so much to my friendship with that person. I didnt tell a single soul about that conversation. I was so glad that they came to me, and even though I could not really help, I knew I could comfort them and be there for them, and to me that is the best feeling in the world.
 People need people. That sounds awkward, but its true. We were made to be interactive with others. There was a study done where newborns were put in seperate cribs and were comepletely isolated from others. They were fed on a regular basis and had their diapers changed, but they received no social interaction at all. No one talked to the babies, loved on them, or even made eye contact with them. It didnt take long before all of the babies died. Why? They were getting the nutrients they needed to survive. They were not getting the love that they needed to grow. We are engineered from the very beginning to be social. So be nice to the weirdo you sit next to everyday. Talk to them. Learn about their story. Be a friend. It could change your life, if you let it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Poem With No Name.


Before I met you,
I didn’t believe dreams could come true,
But now all that’s changed,
And I see things from a different point of view.

You’re everything I wanted and more,
You understand me like no one before.
You listen and are always there,
I know you do it ‘cause you care.
You love me like no one else has,
And you’ve shown me there’s good through all the bad.

I didn’t believe in damsel in distress,
Or the prince rescuing the princess.
Tall towers were always too high,
They would take way to long to climb.
Stuff out of the storybook just made me laugh,
Who would really believe all that?

Since you came along,
My words sing to a different song.
My heart believes,
In little things like fantasies.
All my wishes and dreams have come true.
It’s all because I met you.
And just for the record,
My story will now end in a happily ever after

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Defining Love.

What is love?If I randomly came up to you one day and asked you this question and gave you five seconds to answer, what would you say? Would you try and define it, or describe it, or would you say its a feeling, or an action? Would you think about love in terms of romance or friendship? Would you think of an object or thing that you are really passionate about?

I feel like there is no way to really define love. Love encompasses so many things, and means something different to everyone. The term love has been skewed over time, to where the actual definition has no meaning to anyone these days. Love is used to describe how you feel about everything. You love monkeys. You love chocolate chip ice cream. You love to read. You love basketball. You love the color pink. You love all of these things. But can that really be described as love? Love is an emotional feeling, involving a relationship between people. You love cookies. But do those cookies love you? I don't think so. The term love is just thrown around conversations all the time, so its no wonder that people are having problems in their relationships. You love those cookies. Those cookies don't love you. You love your boyfriend. He doesn't love you. You get upset. Why? You weren't upset that those cookies that you loved didn't love you back, so why are you upset about your boyfriend not loving you. I know that this is silly because obviously cookies and people are very different. All that to say this. The L word has been thrown around so much, that I think everybody forgot the true meaning of love.

I think that the main reason people label love with such a negative attitude, is because that love is portrayed so poorly in our everyday world, than it is in actual reality. You have grown up watching love stories. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, the Little Mermaid. All the characters in these fairytales ended up with their prince charming and lived happily ever after. So you grow up believing in love. You think that any minute your soulmate is going to ride up on a white horse (or maybe a Ford Mustang?), sweep you off your feet, and you two will live happily ever after. If only it were that easy.

This image of meeting someone and living happily ever after is implanted in our heads so early in life, that it is the only thing we know and so we believe it. As we grow up, we still see movies that mask that exact sequence with maybe a few more problems than Cinderella had. But even with their problems, they always end up together in the end. And it is always such a beautiful love story, that we cant help but dream about it happening to us. 

When we are finally old enough to engage in real romantic relationships (not like middle school dating where you are too scared to talk to the other person), everything is great at first. You are in a relationship and you are having so much fun. Everything is new and exciting and knowing that someone cares for you is an amazing feeling. But then your significant other lies to you. Or stands you up on your date night. Now what do you do? Cinderella did not have this problem. This is not the way it is supposed to go. Of course you have no idea how to solve the problem because you just believe that in the end it is going to be okay because you will live happily ever after.

See the problem with this? We are so consumed by the idea that love is perfect. We have this misconception that relationships are full of happiness, roses, and hugs all the time. And there is nothing wrong with that, but it is not practical to believe that you will never argue or have a fight. So when that time comes in the relationship, people leave. They dont know how to solve the problem, so instead they walk away from it. Then all the love-hating starts. You know like when girls sit around and talk about how much they hate boys and how stupid they are and how there is no such thing as true love. Do you really think that talking negatively about love is a good idea? All that does is make you actually believe it. So now you dont believe in love and are confused when all your relationships fail. How are you going to truly love someone if you still have all these misconceptions about love?

Alot of my friends are having this problem right now. They have had guys come and go in their life and when their relationships didnt turn out quite like they planned, they automatically go into the love-doesnt-exist-phase. The worst thing is when my friends doubt themselves and start wondering what was wrong with them. Nothing is wrong with you. Youre beautiful. The problem lies beneath the surface. It has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the perception of love you have accumulated growing up. Dont blame love. Love is a beautiful thing. When you find your prince charming and do live happily ever after, you will be so glad that you did not give up on love.

So what is love?
The first thing that comes to my mind is my favorite verses. 1 Chorinthians 13:1-13. This verse is the key to successful relationships. If you have all of the principles listed, I can almost guarantee that you will have a healthy relationship. God is love. He loves you so much that he sent his son to die for you. That is love.

Examples of love in my life the past week are:
  • calling a friend because youre upset, and her coming over at midnight to talk to you. no questions asked.
  • a 2 year old crawling in your lap with a book in hand, and smile on their face.
  • spilling dr pepper all over yourself, and your friend immediately going to get paper towels for you.
  • 3 minute phone calls in the middle of the day, just to hear your voice.
  • hugs from your roomies, just because.
Don't give up on love.
God did not give up on you.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Its 4 in the morning

Ive been up since 9:00. Most of my day consisted of me sitting in the library studying for my first biology exam tomorrow. You would think all of that studying would make me tired. Nope. Just the opposite is happening. I cant stop studying. When we left the library at 2:00 a.m., I was sad to be leaving. Thats just weird. Who would rather be studying than sleeping? Apparently me.
Now I'm laying in my bed and instead of wanting to sleep, I am having all these urges to do random things. Such as:
  • yoga (which I don't even know how to legitly do)
  • run. run fast and for a long time until I cannot walk anymore.
  • get a back massage
  • study more.
  • try on clothes in my closet
  • listen to Sia "Breathe Me" on repeat
  • do the laundry
Basically right now I am having all these weird, random desires to do anything but sleep. I dont even feel tired and I only got like four hours of sleep last night. What the heck.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In honor of September 11

Everyone I have talked too has remembered exactly where they were on that day. I was in Mrs. Holz's class in fourth grade. We had just finished doing our warm up problems that we do every morning when the principal came on over the intercom and told all the teachers to turn on the news on the tv. Mrs. Holz did, and we were all confused when the screen was filled with live video of big buildings burning. Of course none of us had any idea what was going on and all the teachers were running around in the hallway talking to each other. I remember sitting in my desk and staring at the screen. Mrs. Holz's phone kept ringing off the hook and she would answer and we would all stare at her in silence just waiting for an explanation. But she gave none. After a few minutes, the principal came back on the intercom and explained that there had been a terrorist attack. A class full of nine and ten year olds had no idea what that meant and Mrs. Holz did her best to explain.
A bunch of parents came in got their kids that day and it was hard to continue with class as normal. I remember walking down the hall and we passed another class that had half the kids in it. My mom didn't come early to get me but I remember getting home and sitting on the couch with her watching the news. She asked me if I knew what happened. I said yes that planes had flown into the towers and that bad guys did it.
As I have gotten older, I have come to understand more that happened about that day. The question I most often find myself thinking is why? Why would terrorists hijack a plane and crash it into one of the tallest buildings in New York City?  Why would they end the lives of so many innocent people? How could you be so heartless to leave families without their loved ones? For many Americans, these are questions that will never be answered, that have reasons that we will never fully understand.
Being a Christian, I cant help but think why would God let this happen? How could God let thousands of innocent people die from such an unkind act. If God is who he says he is, then why didn't he stop this? That leads me to my next point. If God is so good, then why is our world filled with so much evil? The answer is unknown. What we do know is that God is greater than evil. An act that was probably supposed to tear our country apart, brought us so much closer together. After 9/11, it didn't matter if you were a democrat, republican, white, black, or brown; because we were all one nation under God. You watched as a terrible attack happened on your own soil, and all of a sudden, it didn't matter that your neighbor was as far to the left as you were to the right. Because you had both experienced the same thing. Our country started coming together. People cried together, worshipped together, mourned together. The United States became one nation under God.
God didn't "let" this happen. He had no control over this situation. Evil acts have absolutely nothing to do with God because he is only associated with good things. September 11 was not God's fault. You cannot blame God for allowing this to happen. You can blame the hearts of the terrorists who did not know God. Even when bad things happen, God shows up. He finds a way to put a comforting hand on the hurting. A few days after September 11, he let the United States know that he was looking after us when this was found amidst all the debris.

It is no coincidence that this huge metal beam was standing up higher than all of the rest of the debris around it. God brought people together on this day, he helped people find him and become Christians, and he silently made a promise to us that he was watching over us. It makes me so sad to think about all the families that lost their loved ones that day.I still do not understand what fully happened on that day or any of the days that followed. What I do know, is that it brought our country together and that we will never forget.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's Thirsty Thursday

and that means that everyone is going out tonight.
From my room on the third floor of my building, I can hear girls shrieking, horns honking, and heels tapping along the sidewalk outside my window. And it's only 10:35.
Pretty sure that my whole floor is full of big time partiers, stuck up frat boys, and sassy so-rawr-ity girls. It constantly smells like weed in my hallway. Which is disgusting.

About 20 minutes ago, I heard loud knocking on our door. I wasn't going to get up and answer it because I wasn't expecting anybody. Apparently none of my roommates were either so we all just stayed in our rooms. Then, my roomie Virginia was walking by the front door and heard something so she looked out the peephole. Two girls with plastic red cups were walking by and one of them picked up our door mat and threw it down the hall. So my awesome roommate who witnessed this via peephole, opened the door and goes "Thanks for that" at those stupid girls. The girls could care less because they just turned around and gave Virginia a dirty look before continuing to walk down the hall off to whatever place they are going to get drunk.

So when Virginia came in and told me this I was just like what the heck. Like how could  someone just be so rude and careless to mess with property that does not belong to them. I had to deal with crazy drunk girls last year, and do not wish to do it anymore. I was just happy that Virginia was there to open the door and tell them what's up. If it was me, I probably would've picked up our mat and threw it at them.
As you can probably tell, rude people are not my favorite. And I could write forever about this subject, but I will stop there for now. You have to watch the video below though. It is hilarious. Happy thirsty Thursday friends.

Monday, August 29, 2011

If you really knew me...

You would know that...
  • it is impossible for me to sit still.
  • my dog is like my baby.
  • I don't like rules and I do not do well with authority.
  • I am extremely claustrophobic.
  • my biggest fear is losing the people I love.
  • shopping and Chick Fil A can boost my mood in in instant.
  • my dream is to help women and girls overcome their issues.
  • I love being around people.
  • I have zero athletic ability.
  • Colt McCoy is my dream boy.
  • rude people make me angry.
  • my family means the world to me.
  • I have an anxiety disorder.
  • I have the craziest, most realistic dreams ever.
  • writing is the only thing I am good at. I've only ever showed two people my writings.
  • I still believe in morals and values.
  • hot natured does not even begin to describe me.
  • feet scare me. they are disgusting.
  • I paint my nails based on my mood.
  • I don't eat beef.
  • If I forget to take my ADHD meds, I will literally want to sleep all day and have no motivation.
  • I tend to be pessimistic.
  • Talking in front of a bunch of people makes me nervous.
  • I hate how short I am.
  • my closet is color coded.
  • Sweet tea is like my drug.
  • I over analyze everything.
  • I am not embarrassed to tell you anything.
  • God didn't give me patience.
  • I want a love like Nathan and Haley.
  • I used to want to be a songwriter.
  • My best friend is my cousin. My second best friend is a boy. My third best friend has a unique name.
  • there are only two people who have the ability to make my emotions show despite my efforts to conceal them.
  • I am obsessed with all things colorful.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sophomore year is finally here.

Okay so I have not been blogging regularly. And I haven't blogged in like a month. Super sad. Summer was way too busy, and I cannot believe it is already over. So now I am back at TCU and it is awesome. I definitely missed this city. Living in Ponder where you have to drive at least 20 minutes to get to anything was just totally not my style. I'm glad to be back in the Fort and have Fuzzy's right across the street from me and Target five miles down the road.
The best thing about being back in the Fort is definitely my new apartment. Last year I loved in a hole that they called a dorm. My apartment feels like a mansion compared to that. I have three roommates and we all have our own rooms, bathrooms, and closets. We also have a living room, kitchen, and washer/dryer. We absolutely love it. I love cooking my own meals and taking a shower without wearing shower shoes.
Of course coming back I was really nervous. Last year was so difficult and coming back I was scared that I would feel the same was as last year. It has been barely a week, but so far I have not had any breakdowns and everything is going well. So cheers to that :)
That's all I got for now. I will write more about college life later.

Friday, July 1, 2011

It Gets Better.

Have you heard of the It Gets Better Project? A man named Dan Savage made a video with his partner and posted it on Youtube hoping to help stop the hate crimes and bullying against homosexuals and to help the gays and lesbians to know that it gets better. This video launched the "It Gets Better Project". It Gets Better is now a website where you can go for support. You can watch other LGBT's videos of how their life has gotten better since they came out. You can also take the pledge to promise that you will not bully others just because of their sexuality. You pledge to help the LGBT community know that it gets better as time goes on.

I watched a few of the videos and my mindset was instantly changed. I could not believe that people could be so cruel to a person that they would physically and emotionally harm them just because they are different. It is not right to bully people, to tie them to a tree and throw rocks at them, or run through the arms of a gay couple holding hands. Just because they are gay, it does not make them any less human than you. Just because they are different than you does not give you the right to do or say unkind things to them. They have feelings too.

Let me just say that I do not really believe in being gay. I do believe that people are people, whether gay or straight, and they should not be treated differently for being who they are or want to be. I do not have a personal problem with gay people. My problem lies on the spiritual side of it all, but that is a different story and I haven't quite figured that one out yet. Innocent people should not be teased or beaten to death because they are gay. Gay people should not feel like they have to commit suicide in order to escape all the negativity they deal with. Death is not the answer. Be kind to the LGBT's even if you do not agree with their decisions. Even if you have a problem with it, keep it to yourself. Is saying one mean comment really worth the emotional pain you could cause that person?

Alot of people say stuff like "I'm a Christian, and we do not believe in being gay". Well I'm a Christian and pretty sure it says in the Bible to love your neighbor as yourself. Love EVERYBODY. Love them even if they are black, gay, Muslim, elderly, lesbian, Mexican, white, or go to OU. You are called to love everyone. So as a Christian, you definitely should not be one to tease or bully a gay person. You should be the one to love them and be there for them. That is what a real Christian would do.

Remind your friends not to make fun of any LGBT and stick up for those being bullied. Sign the It Gets Better pledge to let others know that it gets better. No one deserves to be harassed or put to death just for being different.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Painting the room

So I am re-doing my room this summer. It has been the same ever since I moved in 5 years ago, so I figured it was time for a change. I am painting one of my walls a dark pink and I got a cute new comforter. Its white with a black flower pattern on it and has pink sheets. I am so excited to change up my room! I'll post completed pictures when it is completely finished.

Its sooo PINK! :)