Thursday, September 15, 2011

Its 4 in the morning

Ive been up since 9:00. Most of my day consisted of me sitting in the library studying for my first biology exam tomorrow. You would think all of that studying would make me tired. Nope. Just the opposite is happening. I cant stop studying. When we left the library at 2:00 a.m., I was sad to be leaving. Thats just weird. Who would rather be studying than sleeping? Apparently me.
Now I'm laying in my bed and instead of wanting to sleep, I am having all these urges to do random things. Such as:
  • yoga (which I don't even know how to legitly do)
  • run. run fast and for a long time until I cannot walk anymore.
  • get a back massage
  • study more.
  • try on clothes in my closet
  • listen to Sia "Breathe Me" on repeat
  • do the laundry
Basically right now I am having all these weird, random desires to do anything but sleep. I dont even feel tired and I only got like four hours of sleep last night. What the heck.

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