Sunday, September 18, 2011

Poem With No Name.


Before I met you,
I didn’t believe dreams could come true,
But now all that’s changed,
And I see things from a different point of view.

You’re everything I wanted and more,
You understand me like no one before.
You listen and are always there,
I know you do it ‘cause you care.
You love me like no one else has,
And you’ve shown me there’s good through all the bad.

I didn’t believe in damsel in distress,
Or the prince rescuing the princess.
Tall towers were always too high,
They would take way to long to climb.
Stuff out of the storybook just made me laugh,
Who would really believe all that?

Since you came along,
My words sing to a different song.
My heart believes,
In little things like fantasies.
All my wishes and dreams have come true.
It’s all because I met you.
And just for the record,
My story will now end in a happily ever after

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