Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday Words of Wisdom

Your past does not define you. God is greater than your past.

If you have to be careful when you bend over, it's probably not appropriate.

The way you get freedom, is by forgiveness.

If you still think about it, dwell on it, or worry about it; you're not over it. Talk it out, it always helps.

Your self-worth cannot be defined by anyone else. That's allllll you :)

If it's not going to matter in 5 years, it's not worth the argument.

Make sure all the size stickers are taken off your clothes before wearing them in public.

Words are just words. But remember that words hurt.

When someone smiles at you, you better smile back. It takes more muscles to not return the smile, so that means you have to really concentrate on not doing it. And that's just rude.

You will miss great opportunities in life if you fail to do things because you are too scared.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! Got any good words of wisdom?

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