Sunday, January 30, 2011

Zachary's first college game

This weekend I got to go see my wonderful boyfriend that I have not seen in 3 weeks. Yesterday was his first baseball game as an OWU Eagle. I went up there with his family. We got to watch his game and even though he didn't really play, it was still really fun. The game lasted 15 innings and OWU ended up winning after a rough start. Afterwards we all went to eat and I got to see him and talk to him and that was really good. It was a short little visit but I am so glad that i got to see him. I missed that boy alot. He seems really happy there. He has a lot of friends and they are all really nice. I think that this season is going to be the best baseball season he has ever had. I know that it is going to be hard to see him because all of the games that he will have. Hes gonna be a very busy boy, but I am so proud of him for chasing his dreams. It was really really good to see him and I am glad that I got to go.
I love you and am very proud of youuu<3

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