Monday, January 10, 2011

New semester, new classes, new room, new opportunities.

The wonderful winter break has come to an end, and now I am back at TCU ready for my second semester of college. Classes started today and I feel like I am going to really like all of my classes. All my professors seem super nice, so I am really happy about that. I'm excited to be back at school, but am kinda missing home already. This tiny room makes me claustrophobic and I miss my sweet little puppy. It has been really good seeing all my friends and hearing all the exciting things that they did over the break. Today it was FREEZING outside which made walking to class no fun at alll. But my feet stayed nice and warm in my new Uggs that I got for Christmas :)
Our little dorm has much more room for activities now that we did some rearranging. We turned our beds into bunk beds and my new tv fits perfectly in the room. At first I hated the way our room looked, but now I think that it will work out alot better this way. Plus it is a new semester, so the new room goes perfectly with that idea.
I am excited to see what this semester will bring and seeing what God has in store for me! Hopefully this semester will be better than the last. Trying to have a positive attitude, and an open mind. I'll let you know how that goess..

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