Thursday, January 6, 2011

Short Summary.

I don't exactly know where to start in this whole blogging process, butI feel like I should introduce myself. My name is Kayla Paige and I am a freshman at TCU. I decided to start a blog because I feel like it would be a good way to get my feelings out and maybe some of the stuff I am going through will be able to help other people too. I do not plan on holding anything back in this blog. What I think, is what I will type. I have very strong opinions, so please do not feel offended in any way. Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. Like I sad, I am a freshman at TCU and just finished my first semester. College is really really hard, but is also alot of fun. I was real stressed out about being away from home, my family, close friends, my precious puppy, and of course my sweet boyfriend Zachary. All that put together on top of having to go to school and do a bunch of work did not make up for a great first semester of college. Buttt, I got through it in one piece with the help of my family and boyfriend. So this next semester i am hoping will be a lot easier. I think that god was really trying to teach me something last semester and that was to trust in him. I do not know the plans that he has for my life, and I need to rely on him to get me where it is that he wasnts me to be. I only have three more days left of break before I have to go back to school. So my plan is to relax and hang out with the people I love until then. Hopefully when school starts back up I will have more interesting, sad, or funny things to talk about. Stay tuned.

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