Your Crush
The definition of crush is a temporary infatuation. So since my boyfriend is not exactly a temporary infatuation, I will have to choose someone else who is.
Dear crush,
You are a football player. You played for my favorite college team. I met you one time. You talked at my cousin's church. I got my picture taken with you and you signed my hat. I also sat in the front row at the Texas Baylor game. You were like standing in front of me the whole time. after the game you came by and touched my hand. I almost fainted. You are very cute. My favorite thing about you is that you are a strong Christian and love God. Me and my BFF Randi are kinda obsessed with you. So obsessed that we might have made a song about you one time. So obsessed that when you got hurt in the A&M game we just happened to be in the hospital that you were taken too and walked around looking for you. My crush has kinda ended a little bit when you got married over the summer. But don't worry, I still love you. Come back to college and play for UT. We need you back Colt McCoy.
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