Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's been awhile...

I havent blogged in awhile. Partly because I quit doing the day thing and partly because I have no motivation. Buttt, I am back now. And even though I did not last the whole 30 days, I will still blog about my life randomly.

So yesterday a new little addition was added to our family. He is my second cousin, or cousin-once-removed. Im not really sure how that works but anyways his name is Colton Lee Simpson and he is absolutely precious. He looks just like his Daddy and his sister Kylee. I got to hold him for awhile and he just laid there making faces in his sleep. I love watching babies sleep because they make the funniest faces with their mouths. He was soo tiny, weighing only 6 pounds and 15 ounces. I felt like I was holding nothing when I held him. I am absolutely in love with sweet little babies. Like to the point where I might be obsessed. I want to have a million kids. But ill settle for five. Or three at the least.

Check out this sweet little boy:

I am amazed at how tiny his fingers are.

Kylee waving at the camera and little baby Colton.

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