Monday, April 18, 2011

a few things I have learned about myself lately...

  • I am scared to death of loud noises.
  • I actually like being by myself and sometimes prefer to go places alone.
  • I don't have to wear tons of make-up every day to feel pretty.
  • When visiting the huge selection of books at the library, I realized how much I missed reading.
  • I am that girl who smiles and waves and then looks like an idiot because the other person ignores me.
  • The smallest things irritate me. Examples: the way you breathe, chew your food, or leave the light on.
  • I can go hours without eating and not even realize it.
  • Babies and puppies make me happy.
  • Girls (especially TCU sorority girls) get on my last nerve.
  • I have a huge desire to go to Africa and spend time with the little orphan kids.
They look so adorable!

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