Everyone should have a bucket list. Just a list of things that you would like to do in your lifetime. So here's mine. I know there is a lot more but this is all I could come up with for noww. You should make one too and share it with me :)
Go shopping in New York City and Rodeo Drive.
Fly first class.
Do mission work in another country.
Live in a loft in a big city downtown.
Ride in a horse drawn carriage.
Go on a cruise.
Read the Bible all the way through.
Own a King Charles Cavalier Cocker Spaniel:
Go to Australia, England, France, Sweden, Canada, Cabo, Costa Rica.
Plant a garden of fresh vegetables and fruits.
Have a white horse with brown spots and name her Pancake.
Learn how to surf and snowboard.
Go to a broadway show.
Change someone’s life.
Live house-less and travel around the U.S. for awhile.
Have a career where I help people every single day.
Own one of these 3 cars:
Learn to cook amazing food.
Scuba dive in the Bahamas.
See every Audrey Hepburn movie.
Go to the Red River Rivalry game. Hook em Horns!
Become a bartender.
Ride the subway, in a taxi, and overnight train.
Go to Italy and experience the beautiful architecture, amazing food, fashion, language, and fast pace of the country.
Experience Katy Perry live in concert.
Fly in a hot air balloon.
Own a pair of Ray Bans & Christian Louboutin heels:
Work at Nordstrom’s, H&M, or J. Crew.
Ride in a helicopter.
Go on a safari in Africa.
Learn to waltz and swing dance.
Be on Good Morning America.
Drive a Ferrari Enzo.
Sing at a karaoke bar.
Learn to speak Spanish and Italian.
Write a book.
Horseback ride on a beach.
Marry the man of my dreams and spend the rest of my life happy <3
Go to Napa Valley to visit all the wineries: