Monday, August 29, 2011

If you really knew me...

You would know that...
  • it is impossible for me to sit still.
  • my dog is like my baby.
  • I don't like rules and I do not do well with authority.
  • I am extremely claustrophobic.
  • my biggest fear is losing the people I love.
  • shopping and Chick Fil A can boost my mood in in instant.
  • my dream is to help women and girls overcome their issues.
  • I love being around people.
  • I have zero athletic ability.
  • Colt McCoy is my dream boy.
  • rude people make me angry.
  • my family means the world to me.
  • I have an anxiety disorder.
  • I have the craziest, most realistic dreams ever.
  • writing is the only thing I am good at. I've only ever showed two people my writings.
  • I still believe in morals and values.
  • hot natured does not even begin to describe me.
  • feet scare me. they are disgusting.
  • I paint my nails based on my mood.
  • I don't eat beef.
  • If I forget to take my ADHD meds, I will literally want to sleep all day and have no motivation.
  • I tend to be pessimistic.
  • Talking in front of a bunch of people makes me nervous.
  • I hate how short I am.
  • my closet is color coded.
  • Sweet tea is like my drug.
  • I over analyze everything.
  • I am not embarrassed to tell you anything.
  • God didn't give me patience.
  • I want a love like Nathan and Haley.
  • I used to want to be a songwriter.
  • My best friend is my cousin. My second best friend is a boy. My third best friend has a unique name.
  • there are only two people who have the ability to make my emotions show despite my efforts to conceal them.
  • I am obsessed with all things colorful.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sophomore year is finally here.

Okay so I have not been blogging regularly. And I haven't blogged in like a month. Super sad. Summer was way too busy, and I cannot believe it is already over. So now I am back at TCU and it is awesome. I definitely missed this city. Living in Ponder where you have to drive at least 20 minutes to get to anything was just totally not my style. I'm glad to be back in the Fort and have Fuzzy's right across the street from me and Target five miles down the road.
The best thing about being back in the Fort is definitely my new apartment. Last year I loved in a hole that they called a dorm. My apartment feels like a mansion compared to that. I have three roommates and we all have our own rooms, bathrooms, and closets. We also have a living room, kitchen, and washer/dryer. We absolutely love it. I love cooking my own meals and taking a shower without wearing shower shoes.
Of course coming back I was really nervous. Last year was so difficult and coming back I was scared that I would feel the same was as last year. It has been barely a week, but so far I have not had any breakdowns and everything is going well. So cheers to that :)
That's all I got for now. I will write more about college life later.