I totally do thisss ^ |
I want this house ^ |
Have you heard of the It Gets Better Project? A man named Dan Savage made a video with his partner and posted it on Youtube hoping to help stop the hate crimes and bullying against homosexuals and to help the gays and lesbians to know that it gets better. This video launched the "It Gets Better Project". It Gets Better is now a website where you can go for support. You can watch other LGBT's videos of how their life has gotten better since they came out. You can also take the pledge to promise that you will not bully others just because of their sexuality. You pledge to help the LGBT community know that it gets better as time goes on.
I watched a few of the videos and my mindset was instantly changed. I could not believe that people could be so cruel to a person that they would physically and emotionally harm them just because they are different. It is not right to bully people, to tie them to a tree and throw rocks at them, or run through the arms of a gay couple holding hands. Just because they are gay, it does not make them any less human than you. Just because they are different than you does not give you the right to do or say unkind things to them. They have feelings too.
Let me just say that I do not really believe in being gay. I do believe that people are people, whether gay or straight, and they should not be treated differently for being who they are or want to be. I do not have a personal problem with gay people. My problem lies on the spiritual side of it all, but that is a different story and I haven't quite figured that one out yet. Innocent people should not be teased or beaten to death because they are gay. Gay people should not feel like they have to commit suicide in order to escape all the negativity they deal with. Death is not the answer. Be kind to the LGBT's even if you do not agree with their decisions. Even if you have a problem with it, keep it to yourself. Is saying one mean comment really worth the emotional pain you could cause that person?
Alot of people say stuff like "I'm a Christian, and we do not believe in being gay". Well I'm a Christian and pretty sure it says in the Bible to love your neighbor as yourself. Love EVERYBODY. Love them even if they are black, gay, Muslim, elderly, lesbian, Mexican, white, or go to OU. You are called to love everyone. So as a Christian, you definitely should not be one to tease or bully a gay person. You should be the one to love them and be there for them. That is what a real Christian would do.
Remind your friends not to make fun of any LGBT and stick up for those being bullied. Sign the It Gets Better pledge to let others know that it gets better. No one deserves to be harassed or put to death just for being different.